Macro cavity

In this project, we study and accurately control the interaction of a levitated nanoparticle with a high finesse optical cavity with the ultimate goal to prepare the nanoparticle in the motional ground state.


The transition between our everyday classical world to the well tested Quantum world still gives up puzzles. In our MacroCavity project we develop a platform that will prepare our particle in its motional ground state and enable precise quantum control of a mesoscopic nanoparticle, bridging the nanoscale to the macroscale.

By using Cavity optomechanics we extract energy from the centre of mass motion, where we ultimately aim to reach the motional ground state with a phonon occupation less than 1. Therefore, we place a Silica nanoparticle, levitated in optical tweezers, inside a high finesse cavity. By employing cavity cooling techniques, either by actively pumping the cavity or coherently scattering into the cavity mode, we cool the centre of mass motion.

Recently we investigated the influences of phase noise on resolved sideband cooling by actively pumping the cavity. In the future we employ coherent scattering techniques to reach the motional ground state.

Research focus

  • Understanding and characterisation of coherent scattering mechanisms
  • Precisely controlling the particle motion in UHV environments and reaching low phonon states.
  • Entering the quantum world with mesoscopic objects.

Project members

Selected publications