Reconfigurable planar optics (SmartLens)
This project leverages the thermo-optical effect in dielectric materials, i.e. the temperature dependence of the refractive index. By engineering the temperature landscape in a thermo-optical material, a spatially varying refractive index distribution is formed that can lead to a wide variety of planar optical functionalities.
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In the current era of images, integrated reconfigurable optical elements are essential building blocks to improve the performance of new photonic devices, all the way from the consumer market, with displays and cameras, to the research and clinic environments with advanced microscopy. To respond to new demands, several technological solutions have been proposed, including tuneable lenses, spatial light modulators and reconfigurable metasurfaces, involving a variety of actuation mechanisms. However, to date, wavefront shaping technologies do not meet the needs of many emerging photonics applications, including displays and advanced imaging, which require a combination of compacity, cost-efficiency, operation in transmission mode, and reconfigurability beyond simple refocusing. Here, we leverage on a novel concept, recently introduced by our group and coined as Smartlens, in which the phase of the transmitted light is shaped by using the thermo-optical effect, i.e. the temperature dependence of the refractive index of most dielectric materials (physical effect involved in mirages). By engineering the temperature landscape in a thermo-optical material, one forms a distribution of refractive index associated to a desired optical element.
Research focus
- Towards advanced reconfigurable planar lenses
- Developing the technology for integrated array structures