Advanced multifunctional thermal lenses
This project aims to develop novel Smartlens designs to perform advanced optical functionalities.

Optical aberrations continue to challenge modern optical technologies, emphasizing the need for dynamic and efficient spatial manipulation of phase and amplitude across various applications. We aim to advance the current capabilities of our thermal lenses to address higher order aberrations as well as making them more flexible and multifunctional.
In this project, we perform structural optimization of the resistive microwires via inverse problem-solving through a genetic algorithm approach to generate arbitrary wavefront shapes. The transformed wavefront offers accessibility to a variety of optical functions, while simultaneously enabling enhanced focus-tunability, polarization-insensitivity and increased adaptability within optical setups. Our innovative approach promises advancements in fields such as imaging and biomedical optics. We integrate our advanced expertise in wavefront control and engineering with the imaging expertise of our collaborators from the Institut de la Vision. This interdisciplinary collaboration combines cutting-edge optical technology with biological relevance, driving forward the capabilities of both imaging and therapeutic applications.